Creative Planning offers a range of architectural and planning services to support your project from concept to completion. We work with clients, developers and other architects providing a comprehensive service and co-ordination with trusted external consultants.

Architectural Services
Measured Building Survey
Concept Design (RIBA Workstages 1-2)
Developed Design to Planning (RIBA Workstage 3)
Principal Designer

Planning Consultancy
Initial Advice / Consultations
Site Appraisals
Viability Reports
Land Promotion
Pre-Application Submissions / Consultations
Supporting Planning and Heritage Statements
Lead Consultant Role
Neighbourhood Plan / Development Plan Representations
Public Consultations
CIL / S106 Advice

Application Management
Reserved Matters
Full / Detailed
Listed Building Consent
Prior Approval (Permitted Development)
Certificates of Lawful Existing Use or Development (CLEUD)
Discharge of Planning Conditions
Variation / Removal of Planning Conditions
Non-Material Amendments to Planning Approvals